
Hi, my name is Clara and thanks for stopping by my website.

In 2012, I was nursing a fractured ankle which kept me indoors for 2 years. I came to the decision that it was time to follow my dreams.

During my time indoors and visiting my surgery, it was established that after having blood works done that I was a type 2 diabetes as I was overweight.

Now this is important

Here I was a nurse since I completed college, I was positive that I need to take control of this diabetes and I need to lose the excess weight immediately. I was also aware that diabetes runs in the family and I have lost several family members to diabetes.

I soon realize that finding a professional with whom I can work and can assist me to identify the source of my problem. I took the time to find out what parts of my life are important and I was able to concentrate on doing my best I can in those areas.

A lot has changed since then. I will never forget the way I felt when I decided to take control of working on methods that assisted with losing weight and maintaining it. My blood glucose remained intact there was no need to take any tablets for my diabetes. Exercise played an important part especially walking after my meals, an adequate amount of fluid, juicing and many other things that contribute to keeping me healthy.

This Mama Has to Decide What Comes Next

Look I’m a busy mum it’s time to slow down. I retired and I can use all the extra time to keep working on my health.

This roadmap will give me a fresh burst of clarity so I can finally continue to make a difference.