Paleo diet

Your Paleo Plate

One area where many people struggle when eating paleo is finding the right balance in their meals. On the surface eating paleo seems simple, you just opt for meat instead of junk food and you are good to go, right? The answer is yes and no. Yes, eating paleo can be easy but no that […]

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Paleo Brain Foods

One of the areas where we tend to struggle is focus. Many times we aren’t able to think as clearly as we should and we are not able to concentrate the way that we should. Sadly, for many of us, we don’t even know that we have trouble with mental clarity because we are just […]

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What’s So Great About Paleo?

Unless you have been living under a rock you have likely heard of the paleo diet. This is the way of eating that is knocking people all over the world off of their feet. Not only do people who choose to eat paleo look years younger than their age, but they are also more energetic, […]

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